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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Maryann's Art Gallery

1 comment:

  1. “Patti has shared her passion for the Appaloosa and given readers insight into how writing can heal. Her devotion and love for Appaloosas shines through in every book she and Maryann write. Horses can indeed heal, and Patti and Maryann show us that in their writing.”
    Tafra Donberger of the Appaloosa Horse Club

    “Patti and Maryann have been longtime advocates in the development of artistic learning and creativity. It’s refreshing to see the development of creativity.”
    Joel Powell, R.N.

    “The authors’ love of life and for all living creatures is evident in their stories.”
    Carrie Hrichak, Reviewer

    “The authors, while challenging their audience to hope, trust, and love, present an exemplary model for aspiring writers.”
    Gloria Bellas, Librarian
    During the early months of 2009, contemplation and prayer on the land where I live promoted me to write a diary called Writing between Rivers, Lehigh, Delaware and Susquehanna, a paradigm for The Passing Light. The purpose of the journaling was to reveal the writing process and the use of actual experience to enhance and encourage the literary mind.
I visited special places that inspired me to retain hope as I experienced life changes such as job shifts, illness, and the death of my parents. The land between rivers emerged as a template and voice to tell a story that carries hope. I came to know poverty during the twentieth century. My father experienced her during the Black March in Eastern Europe and my mother found her in the confines of a childhood in the coal regions of Pennsylvania with her. To end world hunger, we banish selfishness and engender hope through sharing. Share your plenty with others so you engage in peaceful acts to bridge poverty through contentedness. Be happy with less. Care for ourselves with enough to live, eat, breathe, and give away as much to those in need. Care for brothers and sister of the world community. To banish poverty we banish fear.
